Anglican Prayer Beads

Anglican Prayer Beads can be a way of transforming your devotions into a more meaningful spiritual experience. Each bead when touched provides a way to slow down and focus for the moment, enriching our prayers. Using the beads help us to focus on God, not our busy lives. The thirty-three beads remind us of the number of years of Jesus' life on earth before his ascension.
Using the Beads for daily prayer - When you start at the Cross, you are welcoming God's presence in a way that is meaningful to you. The bead above the cross is inviting you to prayer. The beads are divided into groups of seven called 'weeks' and represent the seven days of the week and the number of days of creation. The four larger beads form a cruciform. There are no assigned prayers unless you want to create some. Relax your mind and body. There are many resources for prayers to get you started. As you arrive at the last cruciform bead, it might be helpful to end with a closing prayer. A quiet time at the end allows you to reflect on what you have just experienced.
Selling them for $10 Church Fundraiser
Totally Customizable
Please Contact Barbara Jean Lick O.N.